
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The One That Got Away

As I settle in my chair that the cat (Delilah) and I battle for (she finally gave in and isn't waiting for me to get up just so she can take it back) I thought I would share my latest finds.  I guess some may think that I have been fishing and I'm gonna talk about the big one that got away but nope that's not it.  Well, actually yeah I will briefly say I let one get away but it wasn't a fish...it was a vintage wicker planter and dagnab it I am kicking myself for not grabbing it up when I found it.  But...oh well, you find some, you lose some and then you find some more such as....

No, its not the wicker planter I wanted but it helped to take away a little of the sting from the one that got away and it was just hanging there waiting for me to take it home and fill it with a pot and some wonderful little flower that will just spill out over its edges.  I have the perfect little purple flower in mind.  Can't wait to do a little summer flower planting!!

And then there was these little babies that I found....guess where they will be used?  Remember the Man Cave Redo (which by the way is still not finished...the hubby likes to take long breaks)...  No they can't be used for playing pool but I was certain I could find some use for them so in my trunk they went (and that's where they still are).  Guess that kinda makes me a little like the hubby then doesn't it?  I even put them back after taking the pics...and yeah I know that seems really foolish now that I actually think about it.  Oh Well...foolish I am I guess.  

Can't wait till I find my next treasure!!!
And by the way...Delilah took my chair first chance she got so I gave in and moved to the couch.

Have a Happy Tuesday!!!

1 comment:

  1. Very cool finds! Can't wait to see what you do with them.
