
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

No Longer In Over My head

Ooo La La they are done.  I know maybe its a little foolish to get so excited over two little ole chairs but I must say I have been sooo excited to get these sweet little babies back to mamas house.   Just in case you haven't been following and don't have a clue as to what I am talking about let me fill you in.

A little while back I purchased these lovely lil ole beauties at the mini mall. 
They were in need of being recovered and being the smart person I am I thought...hey I can do that, no problem.  Well guess what it was a problem because I didn't have a clue about what to do when I took the covering off and found this.
I knew I was out of my league so I did what any smart person would do...I took them to a professional.  I wanted to preserve them as much as I could, I just couldn't bring myself to destroy them.  So with that being said here they are after Bonnie (thank you Bonnie) retied the springs and recovered them. 

Did I say I love them?  Well if not I'm saying it now.
Welcome home...now to find the perfect place for you.

I linked this to other blog sites listed below.  Be sure to check them out.
A Glimpse Inside       The Shabby Nest 
Button Up  French Country Cottage 


  1. Very pretty! I agree -- I would have taken them to a professional when I found that mess too.

  2. i think i woulda done the same thing...they turned out great...would love for you to link up to my fridays unfolded party @ http://www.stuff-and-nonsense.net/2011/03/fridays-unfolded-10.html


    stuff and nonsense

  3. They look beautiful~ I love the fabric you chose too- just so elegant and perfect! Would love if you would share these lovelies at my Feathered Nest Friday party! Stopping by from Alison's party today! :)

  4. Thanks for all the comments. Alison and Courtney...thanks for the invites to link up with your blogs and have added you to my blog list am now following your blogs.

  5. Wow Jennifer! Those chairs are just gorgeous! I love all of the detail they have. Thank you so much for linking up to Inspiration Friday At The Picket Fence!


  6. Wow! Knock my socks off...they look fantastic. I can not believe what a difference. They look vintage and modern at the same time, which is always my favorite combination.

  7. Oh wow Jennifer! They look wonderful!

    You really did a great job preserving them, they look so stately now. :)

  8. so glad you hopped over to link up!



  9. They look fabulous!! Thanks so much for linking up last week!

  10. These look so awesome! Good for you for getting them recovered the right way - totally worth it!
