It seems we are experiencing "Blackberry Winter" here in the wonderful state of Kentucky and probably in nearby states as well.
Now, I don't claim to be an expert on the different winters so, if I'm wrong about which winter we are experiencing please share your information with us.
That being said the simple gist of it is....IT"S COLD!!
Even though its cold I'm still ready to plant flowers and dig in the dirt...are you? I have planted a few little things so far and my little scooter should look beautiful when the flowers begin to grow.
Remember that cute little antique wire basket I used in this post, well this is what I really envisioned it being used for when I bought it.
If you are looking for healthy beautiful looking flowers be sure to visit Owens Garden Center. You can view their web site for directions as well as flower and gardening ideas. In addition to flowers, shrubs and trees they have planters, yard art and even coco mat you can buy by the yard.
Be sure to check them out to see what they have to offer, just leave some for me because I plan to go back and get more beautiful plants.